
Bobbi was our friend, and our client.

And she died..........

Bobbi loved her cats, we all knew that. She would bring them in one by one and carefully listen to what we told her they needed, and find a way to provide the veterinary care we recommended for them.

She loved them, they were her life.

You can tell when you pet them, or see them. They rub on the bars of their cages in the hospital, and demand the love they are missing. Some are frail and elderly, like Bobbi was, some are young and vital.

They call to each other, little purrs and trills of cat speak, they are used to playing, sleeping and living together...and living with Bobbi.

But Bobbi's gone.

So respecting Bobbi and honoring her memory and our relationship with her, with the help of family and friends we are taking care of Bobbi's cats, and finding them new homes.

The cats you see featured here are up for adoption.


email us at

Thank You All!
We did it. The cats all have forever homes....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

We Need Help With Funding


We have run out of funds to help fix up these cats. Donations to pay for labwork, medicine and simple vet care are needed. If you can make a small donation, please call
(925) 676-1909 and ask to make a donation to the care of  "Bobbi's Cats"

All donations go only to providing care. The veterinarian (Dr. Louisa Asseo) and vet nurse (Kadeth- me) who are working with these cats are donating time, services, food and shelter to care for, house and place these cats in new homes.
We just need to cover the hospital's costs and charges.


Kadeth, Dr. Asseo & Boogar

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