
Bobbi was our friend, and our client.

And she died..........

Bobbi loved her cats, we all knew that. She would bring them in one by one and carefully listen to what we told her they needed, and find a way to provide the veterinary care we recommended for them.

She loved them, they were her life.

You can tell when you pet them, or see them. They rub on the bars of their cages in the hospital, and demand the love they are missing. Some are frail and elderly, like Bobbi was, some are young and vital.

They call to each other, little purrs and trills of cat speak, they are used to playing, sleeping and living together...and living with Bobbi.

But Bobbi's gone.

So respecting Bobbi and honoring her memory and our relationship with her, with the help of family and friends we are taking care of Bobbi's cats, and finding them new homes.

The cats you see featured here are up for adoption.


email us at

Thank You All!
We did it. The cats all have forever homes....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Last Entry November 2011

Last Entry

The last of Bobbi Gould’s cats have been placed.

I am leaving this blog up and open for those friends and relatives of Bobbie who might wish to revisit this blog in her memory.

Before signing out, I’d like to thank someone.

I’d like to thank Dr. Louisa Asseo DVM (currently as of 11/2011 working at Hillcrest vet hospital in Pleasant Hill CA)

Dr. Asseo chose to take this rescue operation upon herself, and dedicated countless hours and funds to placing each and every one of these cats. She took them into her own home, organized and orchestrated medical care above and beyond the basics for each and every one of these cats. She networked for hours with people, organizations, rescue foundations and any possible option out there to re-home these cats, even those who’s personality rendered them unplaceable as pets.

With out her, there would have been no rescue operation.

As with all rescue operations of this size, help poured in, people pitched in and of course those who helped also got tired, worried and burnt out wondering if each cat would find a home, or would time and options run out leaving the only humane choice euthanasia.

Thanks to the dedicated effort of Dr. Asseo, all the cats found forever home.

Thank You Louisa, for bringing a light into the darkness of these cats lives.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year

May they that watch over all cats also watch over you....
Thank You Louisa for doing this.....

Reverend Kadeth